Joining eBay Community

In: eBay Community

21 Apr 2009

Here’s a tip of value to both sellers and buyers. When you have questions or problems with your eBay auctions, You can get tons of help from other eBay users, via eBay’s community discussion boards. Just click the Community link on the eBay Navigation Bar (or go directly to, and you’ll see eBay’s Community hub. Click the Discussion Boards link to see all the different boards available.

eBay offers discussion boards for individual product categories, as well as more general boards for buying, selling, and creating auction listings. The users who frequent these boards are extraordinarily helpful, and can answer just about any question you pose.

As helpful as the board members are, they probably can’t answer all the questions you might have. In particular, don’t expect these users to reveal their personal buying/selling secrets, merchandise suppliers, or other proprietary information. So be realistic about the help you can getand make sure you thank those who answer your questions!

And remember those eBay Tips

  • Research your listing beforehand.

  • Take the time and effort to create an attractive and descriptive auction listing.

  • For best results, time your auction to end on a Sunday evening in prime time.

  • Never end an auction on a Friday or Saturday night, or on a holiday.

  • When the auction’s over, communicate with the buyerthe more often, the better.

  • Treat your auction sales as a business, and your buyers as customers; and remember, the customer is always right!

  • Get help and support from other eBay users, in eBay’s discussion boards.

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